Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet for Total Health and a Longer Life [Paperback] review

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“With this book, she [Nora Gedgaudas] moves the diet discussion into the world of evolutionary science.”
(Anna Jedrziewski, New Age Retailer, March 2011 )

“Nora Gedgaudas is a warrior fighting for our collective health. For 2.6 million years humans knew what to eat: animal fat and protein. On that diet, we grew tall, strong, and disease-free. That primal pattern is still there, laid down like a labyrinth circling out of our DNA, and Nora is ready to guide us. This book is fabulous.”
(Lierre Keith, author of The Vegetarian Myth )

“As an investment advisor, I stress the importance of health to my clients and subscribers. Why is that? Because a clear mind and strong body are the first step to creating and keeping your wealth, whether it is personal or financial. Yes, we can understand how our mind and bodies function! Yes, we can feed ourselves the nutritious food that makes us powerful! Nora Gedgaudas’s Primal Body, Primal Mind teaches you essential knowledge you need to survive and thrive in the 21st century.”
(Catherine Austin Fitts, founder and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory )

“These days, hormones are a hot topic. In Primal Body, Primal Mind, Gedgaudas focuses on those hormones that are commonly imbalanced and problematic to the American population, contributing to symptoms such as weight gain, low energy, poor mood, and even premature aging. In clear and simple terms Nora describes the root of these problems and outlines solutions that are effective and easy to apply. This is the book you want to read.”
(Janet R. Lang, D.C., author, educator, and founder of Restorative Endocrinology )

“Primal Body, Primal Mind covers a wide range of health topics but ties them all back to one central idea: physically, we are virtually identical to our Paleolithic ancestors. We may drive minivans and listen to modern jazz on iPods, but our bodies and brains haven’t really evolved past the Stone Age. Overall, an excellent read and an excellent resource.”
(Tom Naughton, comedian, former health writer, and creator of Fat Head )

“It’s a health plan so easy even an unga bunga caveman can do it! Gedgaudas uses humor, science-based facts, and common sense to debunk many of the myths we have been told about weight and health control in the 21st century. In the world of healthy high-fat, low-carb nutrition research and education, this is yet another book to complement your healthy lifestyle change.”
(Jimmy Moore, author of Livin’ la Vida Low Carb )

“Nora explores where our dietary requirements originated and how they affect our mood and vulnerability to diseases and explains the complex issues of nutrient assimilation, digestion gluten sensitivity, and celiac disease. Find out if you’re a fat burner or a sugar burner, learn the bad news about gluten, soy, milk proteins, and the nutritional bases for depression, ADHD, and other common disorders. This book is so much more than another ‘what to eat’ book.”
(Julie Holland, M.D., author of The Pot Book and Weekends at Bellevue )

“Every so often, you encounter a gem among the dross competing for your attention. Such is the case with Primal Body, Primal Mind, written by Nora Gedgaudas.”
(Mark Steinberg, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist and Clinical Neuropsychologist  )

“Nora Gedgaudas’ Primal Body, Primal Mind is a must read . . .”
(Vincent Samatowic, M.Ed., Biotics Research and Nutritional Research )

“Nora Gedgaudas has loaded Primal Body, Primal Mind with the information and resources essential for anyone who hopes to survive the 21st century in mental and physical health.”
(Julia Ross, author of The Diet Cure and The Mood Cure and executive director of the Recovery Systems Clinic )

“I consider Nora’s work to be the definitive statement on the nutritional needs of the brain. It is required reading for all of my patients and for anyone with an interest in maintaining their own vitality throughout their life.”
(Glen Zielinski, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., assistant professor of clinical neurology at Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies )

“Nora Gedgaudas lights a path toward dietary discretion and natural health that obliterates much of the standard dietary doctrine along the way. Larger truths have a tendency to be simple. It is so here as well.”
(Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D., coauthor of ADD: The 20-Hour Solution and chief scientist at the EEG Institute )

“When you read Nora’s work, rest assured you are not reading a regurgitated version of whatever is in fashion, but instead the careful harvest of decades of careful research, application and observation .”
(Elaine Fawcett, MJ., NT., Health Journalist and Nutritional Therapist )

“. . . Primal Body, Primal Mind reveals how the coming of agriculture resulted in a marked decline in stature, bone density, dental health, with a corresponding rise in birth defects, malnutrition, and disease directly related to an agriculturally-based life style. . . Primal Body Primal Mind is an enthusiastically recommended addition to personal, academic, and community library Health & Nutrition instructional reference collections.” (Midwest Book Review, August 2011 )

“If you are serious about changing your eating habits to a healthier regimen, you should consider reading Primal Body, Primal Mind. Following Gedgaudas’ suggestions will not only give you a healthier body but also a clearer and more functional mind.” (ReaderViews, August 2011 )

“. . . it is splendid and solid . . .”
(, August 2011 )

“In addition to addressing large health issues with clarity and precision, Gedgaudas provides step-by-step guidelines and meal recommendations, giving her work even more utility, while tossing in moments of humor for good measure.”
(ForeWord Magazine, September 2011 )

“This book provides a range of new information. It is an excellent resource for those of us who believe in the importance of grass fed animal fats as a crucial source of Omega-3.”
(Bruce Ward, Holistic Results, November 2011 )

“If you want to really know about how your brain and body work, read this book!”
(Thom Hartmann, author of The Edison Gene: ADHD and the Gift of the Hunter Child )

“This is one of the best health information books I have read in a long time.”
(Annette Epifano, New Connexion, November 2011 )

“A fascinating read that not only motivates you to change your diet but also provides the practical tools to do so.”
(Merikah Robertson, Common Ground )

“One of the best books I have read dealing with nutrition and lifestyle for optimal health.”
(David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM, author of, The Better Brain Book and Power Up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Enlightenment )

This new extraordinary edition of Primal Body, Primal Mind has been substantially refined, updated, meticulously scientifically edited and reformatted with extra chapters and new additional illustrations.  The few nay-saying comments posted to this site are mostly based on the earlier edition of this book which lacked the current edition's refinement. 

No one book can possibly please everybody--and Primal Body, Primal Mind challenges a lot of comfortable assumptions (even slaying and barbequing a few sacred cows along the way)---but most of those who found fault with the previous edition will find their complaints here can no longer apply.  In fact, I've used much of the prior constructive criticism as a helpful tool to elevate Primal Body, Primal Mind to a whole new standard of excellence.   

I am quite proud of this new edition.  I hope you enjoy it.

~ Nora Gedgaudas, Author
